The San Diego Intergroup Coordinating Council meets on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm.
Orientation @ 6:30 pm. (in person only)
Council @ 7:00 pm.
IN PERSON LOCATION: 4816 Glen St, La Mesa, CA 91941
Meeting ID: 985 0443 8912 Passcode: AAsandiego
👓 Find the ACM meeting documents CLICK HERE ✔ 🗃
In person and on ZOOM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 912 0690 2733
Passcode: iluvacms
Monthly on the first Wednesday of the Month
4761 Cass St, San Diego, CA 92109, USA
The San Diego Intergroup Coordinating Council meets on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm.
Orientation @ 6:30 pm. (in person only)
Council @ 7:00 pm.
IN PERSON LOCATION: 4816 Glen St, La Mesa, CA 91941
Meeting ID: 985 0443 8912 Passcode: AAsandiego
San Diego Imperial Area Assembly – Area 08
San Diego Imperial Area Assembly – Area 08 Saturday 01/11/2025 @ 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Zion Lutheran Church & School
1405 East Fallbrook St, Fallbrook Ca. 92028
8:00 am – GRS School: ZOOM ID: 815 2501 5257 – Password: 2024GRS
Zoom info subject to change:
9:00 am – Assembly: ZOOM ID: 863 9194 1442 – Password: a8assembly
Zoom info subject to change:
One tap mobile
+16694449171,,86391941442#,,,,*9345025614# US
+16699006833,,86391941442#,,,,*9345025614# US (San Jose)
Sponsoring Districts: 20 & 11
Breakfast, Lunch, Coffee & Drinks provided
American Sign Language (ALS) / Spanish – English interpreters will be provided.
Questions, Concerns, Additional Information: Carrie –
👓 Find the ACM meeting documents CLICK HERE ✔ 🗃
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 912 0690 2733
Passcode: iluvacms