District 18 meets every Monday at 7PM at 830 East Vista Way #116, Vista CA 92084
Meeting of GSRs and DCM
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CLICK TO JOIN District 16 meeting:
Monthly: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/tZckc-uhqj4oHdDCqfkDK8ShS_E2zb6pSxPr/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGrpz8oE9CQsh6DRpwqHY-ga_PwiCVBgqd5vw7jCAR4OjD-Bd1nYKh9Rsjj
The San Diego Intergroup Coordinating Council meets on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm.
Orientation @ 6:30 pm. (in person only)
Council @ 7:00 pm.
IN PERSON LOCATION: 4816 Glen St, La Mesa, CA 91941
ONLINE: https://zoom.us/j/98504438912?pwd=YVQ1cXI0a3ZFY0dLRjdzQkRraVZqZz09
Meeting ID: 985 0443 8912 Passcode: AAsandiego
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Meeting ID: 863 9194 1442
Passcode: a8assembly
One tap mobile
+16694449171,,86391941442#,,,,*9345025614# US
+16699006833,,86391941442#,,,,*9345025614# US (San Jose)
District 18 meets every Monday at 7PM at 830 East Vista Way #116, Vista CA 92084
Meeting of GSRs and DCM
Join Zoom Meeting
CLICK TO JOIN District 16 meeting:
Monthly: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/tZckc-uhqj4oHdDCqfkDK8ShS_E2zb6pSxPr/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGrpz8oE9CQsh6DRpwqHY-ga_PwiCVBgqd5vw7jCAR4OjD-Bd1nYKh9Rsjj
The San Diego Intergroup Coordinating Council meets on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm.
Orientation @ 6:30 pm. (in person only)
Council @ 7:00 pm.
IN PERSON LOCATION: 4816 Glen St, La Mesa, CA 91941
ONLINE: https://zoom.us/j/98504438912?pwd=YVQ1cXI0a3ZFY0dLRjdzQkRraVZqZz09
Meeting ID: 985 0443 8912 Passcode: AAsandiego